世界首例干细胞治疗早产儿视网膜病变(ROP) 美国母亲写博客赞干细胞疗效
美国患者Tatyana Larbi,女,2003年11月2日出生,电子邮箱,电话7708330620,患早产儿视网膜病变(5期)来城阳人民医院干细胞治疗康复中心就医,接受干细胞治疗。
Before And After
March 30th, 2009 by tatyana
I would like to call this blog “Before And After” (stem cell treatment).
BEFORE, if Tatyana wanted a glass of water she would ask and I would get it for her. Then if she wanted more I would get up
again to get it for her and so on.
以前:如果TATYANA 想要一杯水,她会说,我会给她拿。然后我要再次的起来给她拿如果她还要的话。
NOW, if she wants water I get her the cup and put water in it. She drinks it, puts it on the counter, if she wants more she
goes to counter and gets more. She loves to do this so she repeats it over and over again until the water is gone.
BEFORE, Tatyana would throw her clothes on the floor and mommy would pick them up and put them in the hamper.
NOW, Tayana still throws her clothes on the floor (hehehehe) but this time I tell her to pick them up and put them in the hamper.
She walks over to were she threw them down, picks it up, walks to the hamper to put them in. She is a typical 5 yr old toddler so
she plays along the way so she may need some reminders to complete the task but she does it which is the best part.
BEFORE, in church Tatyana would sit in mommy’s lap scared to sit in the seats next to me. If I tried to put her in the seat she would jump back in my lap.
NOW, in church Tatyana sits in the seat next to me, greets the person sitting next to her, she is quiet, she stares at the person
next to her to see what they are doing. My thoughts are she is more aware of her surroundings and understands what people do in
church which is sitting quietly, listening or reading their Bible.
BEFORE, if I would hand Tatyana an object she wouldn’t know something was in front of her. I would tell her I am giving her something or I would have to put it in her hand.
以前:如果我要拿给TATYANA 一个她并不知道的东西在她面前,我会告诉她我要给她一些东西或者我必须放到她的手里。
NOW, I can hold something up in front of her and she can grab it out of my hand. I can also hold up something like a tissue box
and not only does she see the tissue box she KNOWS its a tissue box and reaches to pull out a tissue.
BEFORE, her left eye was her weakest eye. She had no vision out of that eye except light.
NOW, her left eye is her strongest eye. When she looks at things I can tell she using her left eye the most. She even looks inside
bags or cups pointing her left eye in the bag or cup to see what’s in the bag or cup.
GO little Stem Cells GO!!!!
These are just a few things I have noticed. It will take time for her vision to improve more. I tried teaching her colors but she
is not understanding that quite yet. I am not discouraged, that will come with time.
Thanks for listening and I will keep you posted on her progress.